Resistance and Resilience series

Learners will discover Nova Scotia’s history from new perspectives with these short books and the supplemental artefact kit!

8-volume English Set

Resistance and Resilience Series
Set: 8 volumes | Page Extent: 16–37 pages | Dimensions: 8.5″ x 11″ | Binding: Saddle Stitched | ISBN: 978-1-990273-01-8 | Price: $189.00 (net)
Nova Scotia School Book Bureau #2002661
Students will engage with the histories of resistance and resilience among four of Nova Scotia’s foundational cultural groups — the Mi’kmaq, Black Nova Scotians, Acadians, and the Gaels — in these short books.

Also available in French

Série Résistance et résilience
Set: 8 volumes | Page Extent: 16–37 pages | Dimensions: 8.5″ x 11″ | Binding: Saddle Stitched | ISBN: 978-1-990273-01-8 | Price: $189.00 (net)
Nova Scotia School Book Bureau #3002610

Series Artefact Kit

Nova Scotia History Discovery Kit / Histoire de la Nouvelle-Écosse Trousse de découverte
Contents: 8 individual artefacts, English-language resource guide, French-language resource guide | Dimensions: 15.8” x 17” x 2.75”
ISBN: 978-1-990273-00-1 | Price: $269.00 (net) | Nova Scotia School Book Bureau #2002670

Educators can supplement student learning related to the Resistance and Resilience series / série Résistance et résilience with the Nova Scotia History Discovery Kit / Histoire de la Nouvelle-Écosse Trousse de découverte! Eight fascinating archival objects related to the written content will prompt further questions from readers.