Series Bibliography

Series Editors: Pamela Hickman and Heather M. Epp

The Mi’kmaq

Bernard, Tim, Leah Morine Rosenmeier and Sharon L. Farrell, eds. Mi’kmawe’l Tan Teli-kina’muemk Teaching About the Mi’kmaq. Truro, Nova Scotia: The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq, 2015.

Caplan, Ronald. “Sam Glode: Travels of a Micmac” in Cape Breton’s Magazine, Vol. 1983.

Gaffen, Fred. Forgotten Soldiers. Kingston, Ontario: Canadian Defense Academy Press. 2008.

Lackenbauer, Whitney P. with John Moses, R. Scott Sheffield, and Maxime Gohier. A Commemorative History of Aboriginal People in the Canadian Military. National Defence and the Canadian Forces. Last modified December 22, 2009.

Paul, Daniel N. We Were Not the Savages. A Micmac Perspective on the Collision of European and Aboriginal Civilization. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing Ltd. 1993.

The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq, The Union of Nova Scotia Indians, and The Native Council of Nova Scotia. The Mi’kmaw Resource Guide. 4th Edition. Truro, Nova Scotia: Eastern Woodland Print Communications. 1997.

The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq. Kekina’muek (learning) Learning about the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia. Truro, NS: Eastern Woodland Print Communications. October 2007.

The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq. Mi’kmaq History Month Poster 2018.

Whitehead, Ruth Holmes. The Old Man Told Us. Excerpts from Mi’kmaw History 1500-1950. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing. 1991.

Wicken, William C. Encounters with Tall Sails and Tall Tales: Mi’kmaq Society, 1500-1760.  A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Ph.D. Montreal: Department of History, McGiII University. February 1994.

Wicken, William C. Mi’kmaq Treaties on Trial. History, Land, and Donald Marshall Junior. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 2002.

Wicken, William C. The Colonization of Mi’kmaw Memory and History, 1794-1928. The King v. Gabriel Sylliboy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 2012.

Winegard, Timothy C. For King and Kanata: Canadian Indians and the First World War. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press. 2012.

Links checked 20 August 2021 Indigenous contributions during the First World War (federal government website) Photos and documents relating to the Mi’kmaq held in the Nova Scotia Archives. Photos and documents relating to the Mi’kmaq held in the Beaton Institute, Cape Breton University Archives.

Black Nova Scotians

Boileau, John. “Pride Prejudice at the Front,” in Legion Magazine, Vol. 91, No.4, July/August 2016. Kanata, Ontario: Canvet Publications Ltd.

Colaiacovo, Tony, ed.  The Times of African Nova Scotians. A Celebration of our History, Culture and Traditions. Volume One. Halifax: Delmore “Buddy” Daye Learning Institute. 2014.

Colaiacovo, Tony, ed.  Black History. Africa, The Caribbean, and the Americas. Halifax: Delmore “Buddy” Daye Learning Institute. 2018.

Colaiacovo, Tony, ed.  The Times of African Nova Scotians. A Celebration of our History, Culture and Traditions. Volume Two. Halifax: Delmore “Buddy” Daye Learning Institute.

Ruck, Calvin. W. The Black Battalion 1916-1920. Canada’s Best Kept Military Secret. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing. 1987.

Links checked 20 August 2021  Photos and documents in the Nova Scotia Archives  relating to African Nova Scotians. (federal government website)

Nova Scotia’s Gaels

Caplan, Ronald, Ed. Cape Bretoners in the First World War. In Their Own Words. Cape Breton, Nova Scotia: Breton Books.  2014.

Kennedy, Michael. Gaelic Nova Scotia. An Economic, Cultural, and Social Impact Study.  Halifax: Nova Scotia Museum. November 2002.

MacIsaac, Teresa. A Better Life .A Portrait of Highland Women in Nova Scotia. Sydney, Nova Scotia: Cape Breton University Press. 2006.

MacLean, Vincent W. These Were My People. Washabuck: An Anecdotal History. Sydney, Nova Scotia: Cape Breton University Press. 2014.

Newton, Michael, Ed. Memory-Keeper of the Forest. An Anthology of Scottish Gaelic Literature of Canada. Sydney, Nova Scotia: Cape Breton University Press. 2015.

Province of Nova Scotia. Gaelic Nova Scotia: A Resource Guide. 2019.

Shears, Barry W. Play It Like You Sing It. The Shears Collection of Bagpipe Culture and Dance Music from Nova Scotia. Volume One History, Culture, and Images. Halifax: Bradan Press. 2018.

Shears, Barry W. Play It Like You Sing It.  The Shears Collection of Bagpipe Culture and Dance Music from Nova Scotia. Volume Two The Music. Halifax: Bradan Press. 2018.

Tennyson, Brian Douglas. Nova Scotia at War, 1914-1919. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing.  2017.

Links checked 20 August 2021  Photos and documents held in the Nova Scotia Archives relating to Nova Scotia Gaels.  Photos and documents held in the Nova Scotia Archives relating to Nova Scotia and the First World War. Beaton Institute, Cape Breton University Archives relating to the First World War.